Relief of acceptance

~ Seattle, Continental Views building ~


8:56 PM

Max and Liz got into Liz's apartment.

Due to all the stress, Liz is super clingy. Max's proximity makes her feel at ease, and there is nothing better than sinking into his embrace but there is one thing…

"You smell of blood.", Liz said while scrunching her nose.

Max paused. He washed his hands and he didn't see blood anywhere else, but he will not question Liz because considering what he did earlier that evening, she is probably right.

"I will go and shower.", he responded while letting her out of his hug.

Liz saw that Max's expression was troubled, but she didn't know what to say.

Based on the timing of him being late from work, Liz can guess that Max went to deal with Tyler.

She can definitely smell blood on him. As a surgeon, Liz is extremely familiar with that metallic scent. What did Max do? Part of her is afraid to know the answer to that question.