Tyler at FMC (1)

~ Seattle, the Franciscan Medical Center ~

Room 570

9:52 AM

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are in Tyler's room observing doctors and nurses who are busying themselves around their son.

Since Tyler woke up, his parents are eager to talk to him and find out how he found himself in this sorry state.

However, as soon as Tyler woke up, the doctors took him for different scans and tests and by the time they returned, two police officers waited in front of the room to get Tyler's statement.

The police officers asked Tyler what happened to what he responded that he does not remember. There is not much the police can do if the victim does not cooperate. They left their contact numbers and told Tyler to give them a call if he remembers anything.

When the police officers left, nurses returned for more checks and Tyler is hoping that all these people will go away and leave him alone.