
After Jackson was tased the seventh time, Sabrina waited for him to wake up (with the help of medicine under his nose) and she gave him a few minutes to come around.

Sabrina was impatient. She wants to finish what she came here to do so that she can return by Ashton's side. She does not want to miss being there when he wakes up. At the same time, Sabrina thought that it would be the best thing ever if Ashton is awake when she returns to his room.

Seeing Ashton on that hospital bed, wrapped in bandages and unmoving, is devastating. She does not want to consider the possibility that he will not wake up.

Sabrina looked at Jackson and her blood boiled with the knowledge that she is looking at the man who is responsible for Ashton's current condition.

"You crazy bitch!" Jackson cried while spraying blood. He wanted to scream, but he barely had any strength to talk.