Where is Jackson?

~ Seattle, the Adams family villa ~


7:21 AM

Mr. Adams woke up and did his morning routine in the bathroom. After dressing up, he went to the dining room for breakfast and checked his phone.

"Paula…" Mr. Adams called his wife stiffly. "Where is Jack?"

Mr. Adams shrugged. "In his room, maybe. You know that he had a date with Sabrina. Maybe things went better than we expected." She said happily while bobbing her head.

"What was he wearing?"

"A suit." Mrs. Adams narrowed her eyes at her husband. "What is the meaning of all those questions?"

Mr. Adams gave her his phone and she gasped at the photo which shows a heavily beaten man (if that is a man) in some dark place, surrounded by black trash bags.

"What is this?" Mrs. Adams asked in outrage.

"Look at the text…"