Back to the secret oasis above it all (1)

Liz took in the sight of a clearing that had a table set up for lunch and a bench. But that was not the main thing. What took her breath away was the massive cherry tree in full bloom which towered above the clearing.

Bushes framed the clearing on three sides, opening toward the West to expose the view of tree canopies which are stretching below with Seattle's skyline in the distance and the Pacific Ocean in the back.

Max brought her to the secret oasis above it all… it's his grandmother's house.

They were here in May last year, and she remembered thoughts that it must look magical when the cherry tree is in full bloom, and now that she is seeing it, she confirmed that it's fantastic.

"Thank you, Max…", Liz said under her breath as her eyes scanned the light pink blooms which formed the majestic crown of the tree.

Max was happy to see her lit up face again.

He took her hand in his and led the way toward the table.