Back to the secret oasis above it all (2)

While Max feasted on Liz, making sure that not a single drop of her juices get wasted, her mind was spinning.

She completely neglected the possibility that someone will see them. Sure, they are surrounded by dense foliage, a large garden, and the open side toward West provides a view from above, but there might be drones or some other ways of people peeking.

If this was Liz from before, there would be no way that she would go beyond kissing in an open space. But this was a different Liz. This Liz experienced many pleasures with Max, and some of them included indulging in satisfying carnal desires in various places. Her sex life with Max was definitely exciting and unpredictable, just like Max.

Lust consumed Liz's mind and clouded her judgment, and she was unable to think about anything else other than what Max was doing. She was completely under his spell.