Missing (3)

"Why would I help you?", Dr. Snow asked Max.

"Look, Chris…", Max said and licked his lips nervously. "I know that I was an asshole. I know that I gave you a hard time and that you have no reason to like me. I am a horrible person, and I did bad things to you and to many others. Insult me. Kick me. Do whatever you want. I will not object or retaliate. I can't expect that you will do anything for me but please, do this for Elizabeth. She is missing and I have no idea how she is doing. I need to find her and I need your help. If there are any conditions required, say it. Do you want me to kneel? To hurt myself? Money? Whatever it is, say it…"

Dr. Snow looked at Max who was a shadow of his former self. There was no confidence, no arrogance, it was just a desperate man wrapped in sorrow.

"Are you sure that she didn't leave you on her own?", Dr. Snow asked.