Missing (4)

Liz was not willing to sit and do nothing while waiting for the rescue to arrive. She tried to twist her body and get her arms to be in front, but her wrists were tightly bound at her back, and she failed.

She wiggled toward the bench because it was the closest piece of furniture with the idea that if she could sit on it, her position will be better to see what else is there. Maybe she could find something sharp on the table, to cut her binds and get out of here.

Liz reached the bench and tried to lean on it sideways in an attempt to push herself up. To Liz's horror, the bench flipped and fell on the floor with a bang, scraping her back in the process. Liz winced in pain and she would cry as well, but her mouth was blocked and only a muffled exhale was heard.

Liz blinked rapidly when the door opened, and the brightness assaulted her eyes as someone flicked the light switch.