*One Year after Chapter Sixteen*
Mizuki woke up suddenly to what sounded like someone slamming a sledgehammer into his door.
Rolling over, Mizuki checked the time on the clock, noticing that it was only 7:40. Classes started at 8 o'clock.
In other words, Mizuki could fall back asleep for nineteen minutes.
However, fate had a different plan.
Just as Mizuki was about to fall back into the blissful embrace of sleep, he heard the sound of light tapping on his window.
At first, Mizuki was going to ignore it, although after 30 seconds he quickly realized that he couldn't do anything with that sound in the background.
Mizuki got out of bed and groggily walked to the window, pulling back the curtain, only to reveal Mizuki's worse nightmare.
Anko: "Mizuki...get the hell out of bed, we've got plenty of time to sleep in class"
Anko looked just as miserable as he did, and she was clearly less than amused by how he got to sleep in longer than her, with her face pressed up against the glass, with her hair disheveled.
Mizuki had never gotten ready so quickly in his life, he was ready and out the door in under two minutes, putting his skills as a former high school student to good use.
The rest of his day could be described as painfully average at best.
Mizuki and Anko had made a game of who could subtly annoy the teacher the most to alleviate their boredom.
Anko and Mizuki would purposefully interrupt the teacher at different parts of the lesson to ask completely unrelated questions to the teacher.
After asking an absurd question for the third time,
Shisui noticed what was happening and not soon after, our group of "heroes" spent their time pissing off the teacher.
In the year that had passed, Kakashi had graduated as a genin and was currently under a sensei, mainly completing D rank missions, much to his displeasure.
After school let out, Mizuki went with Shisui, Obito and Guy too their training spot in the forest.
After entering the forest in the Uchiha Compound, and rushing along a path of (very conveniently placed) tree branches, the group of four had finally arrived at their training grounds.
Worn out kunai targets could be seen scattered across several different trees at all sorts of different angles, in a manner resembling Itachi's training ground.
The trees surrounding the area could all be described as "victims" with each tree either having marks of being slashed, stabbed, burned, or even exploded in certain areas.
Obito: "Hey Mizuki, you wanna spar? I've got to do something actually challenging today and the academy is a joke"
Mizuki: "I was thinking something similar actually, classes are so useless these days"
Obito: "I know, right?"
Mizuki and Obito nodded at one another as they both stepped up to a clearing that they had created to start their sparring matches at.
Both boys looked at one another with sly smiles before they created the shinobi hand sign to start a battle before rushing at one another.
As both boys rushed towards one another they began to engage in hand to hand combat.
As they reached one another, Mizuki gained the upper hand relatively quickly, having trained under Duy for over a year had its perks.
Mizuki quickly executed a series of kicks and punches, several of which were specialized moves taught to him by the foremost expert on the Strong Fist himself, Bushy Stache Sensei.
Mizuki was noticeably stronger than Obito, forcing him onto the defensive as he pressured his opponent.
Although, the Uchiha boy was no pushover either.
Due to his strength at his age, even if he did not have the Sharingan, he was taken under the wing of a couple of the more benevolent Uchiha elders.
As a result, the boy had learned a couple of new non-sharingan based genjutsu, and even some new Katon Jutsu.
However, unfortunately for Obito, this was not a competition of Ninjutsu, it was one of Taijutsu.
And Taijutsu, and short-range combat in general, was the realm in which Mizuki thrived.
Eventually, after holding up under Mizuki's onslaught of punches and kicks, Obito finally slipped.
Mizuki: {An Opening!}
Mizuki managed to perfectly land a kick onto Obito that knocked him high into the sky
Mizuki: "Leaf Rising Wind!"
(A/N: The move Lee uses to knock Sasuke into the air when he 2 v 1 him and Naruto)
Mizuki then focused his chakra on his feet as he sprinted up a close-by tree quickly passing Obito's altitude before leaping from the trunk and descending upon his opponent.
However, Obito was no pushover.
As he had been knocked in the air, Obito had already started mending hand signs.
Unfortunately for Mizuki though, he was only a few feet away from Obito when the boy turned to face him, unloading his Jutsu point-blank in his face.
Obito: "Katon: Fireball Jutsu"
Mizuki quickly used the body flicker to teleport to a nearby tree branch a few meters behind Obito as he melded hand signs together quickly.
Mizuki: "Katon: Phoenix Flower Jutsu"
Several smaller fireballs spewed out of Mizuki's mouth as they all flew to Obito.
As he focused on the Fireballs though, he briefly forgot about his opponent.
Mizuki used this to his advantage as he body flickered a few meters above Obito before dropping a flashbang.
Obito realized what happened and body flickered away, although he was still blinded.
By the time he regained his vision, Mizuki had managed to flicker behind him, with his kunai snaking around his neck with the blade pressed against his trachea.
The boys looked at one another menacingly before bursting out laughing.
Mizuki: "That was a damn good match"
Obito: "Yup, been a whilst since I've been able to stretch like that"
Mizuki: "Now we are at 71 wins for Me, and 70 wins You, putting me in the lead!"
Obito: "Um, no we're not, we're at 70 wins for You and 71 wins Me, making me still in the lead!"
Both boys then joined their two friends as they all headed out for some barbeque.
They loved ramen and all, but this situation after training called for an all you can eat place.