*2 days after Chapter 19*
Mizuki devoured his ramen as soon as it was set in front of him, starving after a long days training.
Guy was training with his father and Obito was out with Rin, leaving just Mizuki and Shisui to train against one another.
Oh boy, Mizuki hated how badly the Uchiha boy could whip his ass.
Those eyes are so fucking hax.
(Flashback To The Sparring Match)
Mizuki and Shisui were standing roughly five meters apart from one another as they both welded the symbol for "fight".
Not a moment later, both boys body flickered to the trees above them to gain better vantage points.
Mizuki glanced around, trying to find Shisui although his opponent had blended himself in well with his environment.
{Where is he? He can't have gone far}
Just as Mizuki was thinking this, Mizuki turned around to see Shisui leaping down from a branch above him with his sword, prepared to swing at Mizuki.
Mizuki dodged the slash by a hair and then began to engage Shisui in Taijutsu.
His training with Duy was clearly not for nothing as he had the upper hand in this situation, as he quickly dodged Shisui's sword strikes, and was able to counter with his own through the use of a kunai.
That, however, would not last for long as Shisui quickly body flickered behind Mizuki to execute another slash.
The slash itself was not the problem, Mizuki was able to block it virtually effortlessly.
What defeated him was the fact that as he blocked sword strike, his eyes met Mizuki's for a second.
Mizuki: {Oh, Fuck Me, not again}
Mizuki then fell into a genjutsu, causing his real body to fall unconscious, whilst his mind was tormented by dreams of the "Higurashi Fingernail Scene" on repeat, making him lose the match.
(Flashback End)
Regardless, what surprised the boys the most was that when they went to grab something to eat at Ichiraku, Teuchi was back.
For the last four months, he had placed hired staff in charge of the restaurant as he was taking care of his daughter.
And, thanks to the subtle influence of Mizuki, who constantly pestered the Old Man about having a medical-nin serve as a midwife.
Luckily for Teuchi, he did so, and as a result, his wife did not pass away like she did in the anime.
(A/N: Not sure how his wife died, but this is how it happened here, so, um, ya? )
Mizuki: "God Damn! I was missing out on this stuff for four months!"
Shisui: "Round Five!"
Mizuki and Shisui were lucky that they were some of the first people to actually eat.
The News that the legendary head chef and owner of Ichiraku returned to the kitchen caused a virtual uproar among the leaf village as swarms of people rushed to have the ramen that they had been deprived of for so long.
Mizuki and Shisui hung out at the restaurant for roughly an hour, chatting and filling up on the sweet sweet ramen until they were bloated.
They briefly said goodbye to Teuchi before leaving the shop, passing by the hoard that had formed outside of Ichiraku since they had sat down.
. . . . . .
The next day came and went, falling into a routine that Mizuki had become all too familiar with.
Get woken up, Hang out with Anko in class, Chat with Guy, Shisui and Obito at lunch and repeat the morning's antics in the afternoon.
Sprinkle in a couple of well placed in class naps throughout the day, and that was an average day in the life of Mizuki.
However, what happened after he left school could be described as anything except ordinary.
Weirdly enough, during class, Anko asked Mizuki to meet up with her after school.
They had hung out outside of school quite a bit, but this time when she asked him she had a strange serious look on her face.
Mizuki asked Guy to inform their teacher that he couldn't come to training today.
Guy glanced at Mizuki, then at Anko, then back at Mizuki. A slow smirk began to emerge on his face as he promised Mizuki to let Duy know.
Mizuki sighed softly, knowing that he would never hear the end of this.
As he did that, Anko gave Guy the death glare, clearly understanding what he was implying.
Anko: {I-I-I don't like him! That's right! He's just my best friend! My dumbass sleeping buddy!}
As classes ended, Anko virtually pulled Mizuki until they got to the dumpling shop that they normally hung out at.
Along the way, it became clear to Mizuki that something was bothering Anko. She was acting very differently and almost nervously.
After what felt like forever, she was the first to break the silence.
Anko: "Hey, Mizuki?"
Mizuki: "Yeah?"
Anko: "Am I a bother to you?"
Mizuki: "What? Of course not! What would make you think that?"
Anko: "It's just that I am too weak! Everyone else in our friend group are like geniuses! And look at me! I'm useless!"
Mizuki shook his head as he leaned over and lightly flicked her forehead.
Anko: "Ouch! What was that for?"
Mizuki then looked her straight in the eye with a serious glint in his eye.
Mizuki: "For saying that your useless, your not"
Anko: "Huh?"
Anko's face then started to turn a little red as she realized how close Mizuki's face was.
Anko: "A-A-Anyways, since I'm a lot weaker than you guys I was hoping that you would be willing to help me out?
Mizuki: "Sure!"
Anko exhaled a sigh of relief, she was happy that she could now have a chance to catch up with the majority of her friend group as she had started to fall behind.
Only a small part of her excitement was to be hanging out with Mizuki.
A small part.
(A/N: Ya right)
However, the day's antics were not over yet as Shisui walked into the dumpling shop.
Shisui: "Hey guys"
Anko: "Hey Shisui, what's the matter?"
Shisui: "Sorry to be a bother, but I need to borrow Mizuki for a little whilst"