Rin Nohara

*One week after Chapter 21*

Mizuki sighed to himself as he glanced over the textbook he was reading, occasionally jotting down notes.

He had been at this for the last hour, and glancing outside, Mizuki noticed that the sun hadn't even risen yet.

It was a Saturday, although he had no clue about the time, probably somewhere around five o'clock.

Currently, Mizuki could create one clone with the Shadow Clone Jutsu, and even that drained him of roughly half of his chakra.

Knowing that a shadow clone could double his training speed, Mizuki had this clone studying whilst he was practicing Taijutsu.

The contents of what he was studying? A biology textbook.

That's right. Just when Mizuki though he had escaped taking a science class ever again, it appears that he was mistaken.

He could virtually imagine his old teacher, Mrs. Warren, letting out an evil cackle as he had to bear through this torture.

(A/N: Mrs. Warren was an actual teacher of mine who was absolutely horrible, fuck you, Mrs. Warren)

Regardless, he got back to studying the book itself. He was lucky that he had actually taken biology in high school, granting Mizuki an advantage with the basics.

Despite this, he was no doctor, and could only bury his head in books as he reviewed some of the content given to him.

But why? well, Mizuki decided that even if he didn't expressly become a medical-nin, knowing the field would still grant him access to several powerful jutsu.

As a bonus, several of these jutsu also complimented the eight gates pretty well, maybe with enough training he could even reduce the cost? But that is still WAY off.

But before all of that, Mizuki was expected to memorize all of the knowledge that was given to him by the doctor about human anatomy. And Mizuki wanted to work as hard as possible.

Mizuki received newfound determination when he was at Ichiraku a couple of days ago and heard a vital piece of news, tensions between Konoha and Kumogakure (Village Hidden in the Clouds).

This meant that it wouldn't be long before the Third Great Ninja War starts. A war where his best friends turn into a bloodthirsty maniac and eventually jump off a cliff respectively.

Mizuki wouldn't let that happen. There was no way in hell he would stand by and let his friends die when he knew he would do something about it.

He had to be stronger.

So here he was. In the Konoha Library at Five O'clock on a Saturday morning. Having his shadow clone studying anatomy whilst the main body was out training his taijutsu.

After studying for another couple of hours, Mizuki packed up his books as he took the walk from the Konoha Library to the Hospital.

After he walked in he had a brief chat with the receptionist at the front of the hospital, someone who Mizuki quickly realized could be a valuable asset.

The doctor would have a better impression on him if his co-workers slipped in a good word for him here and there.

Unfortunately, Tsunade had left the Village a whilst ago leaving him with a teacher who, just like the one at the academy, had virtually no relevance to the plot whatsoever.

That fact, however, did not change the fact that the doctor at the village hospital was a self-important asshole who was insufferably arrogant.

Regardless, Mizuki was able to eventually able to convince him to study under him via a mixture of appealing to his coworkers and kissing his ass.

Finally! Able to use a skill he learned whilst at his old job.

Regardless of how "low" the strategy seemed to be, Mizuki had no qualms employing it.

After all, in the grand scheme of things this price was absolutely worth it to be able to learn medical ninjutsu.

Mizuki took up an unoccupied surgery room as they supplied models for him to get some hands-on experience from and a quiet place to continue studying.

However, around fifteen minutes after Mizuki got into the room, he heard a click as the door was unlocked and somebody else walked in.

??: "Hey Mizuki, You been here a whilst?"

Rin walked into the room with two bags, one with her textbooks in it and another with what seemed to be like breakfast.

Whilst she was still pretty cute in the show, nothing could quite compare to the real deal. Even if everything in the world was basically in that art style, it was still in an infinitely higher definition.

Mizuki was initially surprised when he saw her there as another student, It technically made sense but still, it was surprising to run into one of his classmates like that.

Regardless, it took Mizuki less than two days to warm up to her, she was honestly just a really nice person in general.

The Type of Person that was one in a million in his previous life, and the type of person he was happy to have as a friend.

(A/N: that's right FRIEND. Not Love Interest. FRIEND.)

All Mizuki could do when he saw Obito again is pat him on the back and give him a thumbs up.

________________________________________________________________________________________ (When Mizuki was talking to Obito)

Mizuki: "Good choice, I'm proud of you!"

Obito: "Huh?"

Mizuki: "She's the One."

Obito: "What"

Mizuki: "Don't screw it up man, I gotta go, bye!"

Obito: "Eh?"

________________________________________________________________________________________ (Return to Present)

Just as Mizuki was talking to her his stomach let out a loud growl.

Rin: "Hungry? I got extra."

Mizuki glanced at Rin with reverence.

Whoever brought the food was automatically a deity in his head. Forget the guy who dumped him here without cheats and whatever.

Mizuki sighed as he got back to studying, this time on a full stomach. He had a long day ahead of him.

________________________________________________________________________________________ (Change of POV to Original Mizuki)

Just as my shadow clone left the hospital it dematerialized, transferring all of it's memories to me as it did so.

I would need to wait until tomorrow morning until I could create another one with that much chakra.

However, after practicing Taijutsu all day, I am exhausted. Regardless, it is time to advance my plan for strengthening myself, and I am going to need more clones.

Glancing at the sky, I realized that It was just turning dusk with the sun now starting to set.

I rushed until I reached the stall I needed to go to in order to get my training gear.

{Oh boy this is gonna make a dent in my wallet}

Stall Owner: "Hey Kid, what do you want"

As the shop owner said that, Mizuki slapped down his wallet, which was filled up with the allowance he had been saving over the past couple of months.

Mizuki: "I want your balloons, all of them"