*3 years after Chapter 22*
Mizuki awoke to the feeling of a bucket of ice water being dumped all over his face, causing him to shiver as he practically leaped out of bed.
Mizuki faced towards the culprit of his discomfort as he questioned her.
Mizuki: "Do you have to do that every time you wake me up?"
Anko let loose a light laugh as she replied to him.
Anko: "Well, it is effective. And one of the only ways to get your ass out of bed"
Anko: "Also, you have got five minutes until class starts. Good Luck"
After finishing her wake up call to Mizuki, Anko disappeared in a puff of white smoke.
It was a shadow clone.
Mizuki rushed to get ready, desperate to not be late. Most of the time he just had a shadow clone attend the academy whilst he trained.
However, every once in a whilst, Mizuki decided to attend the academy himself. As a sort of break from his training.
Mizuki sighed as he created three shadow clones containing three-quarters of his chakra to train in the forest whilst he quickly got changed and rushed to class.
. . . . .
In the past three years, Mizuki had improved his fighting style to the degree of a mid-ranked Chunin.
After two years, he had stopped attending the hospital with Rin.
Whilst she wanted to become a master healer. For him, knowing the healing jutsu and how to use them competently was enough.
He had also picked up some earth style jutsu from Kakashi over the course of the last three years as well, as he had occasional run-ins with the boy in which Kakashi obliged to help him.
Mainly to stop him from annoying him, but hey, whatever works.
The boy had fallen far into his philosophy in the anime, of always following the rules, regardless of the cost, As a result, Mizuki only hung out with him just for some greetings before subtly escaping.
He had nothing against the man, but Kakashi's attitude was a bit of a pain in the ass.
You gotta live a little sometimes y' know, and besides, rules were meant to be broken.
Or at least, some of the more trivial ones.
However, the most important thing that Mizuki had learned was the infamous Rasengan.
Even after three years, Mizuki still required a shadow clone in order to perform the jutsu, although he was confident in being able to do so without one in the next couple of years.
Over the last three years, Mizuki had also taught Anko some of his jutsu as well, although, he noticeably kept the Rasengan to himself.
It would be too suspicious if an A rank jutsu known only to the future Fourth Hokage and his master were suddenly being thrown willy nilly by a group of genin.
(A/N: Self-deprecating author 100)
She was a prodigy in the usage of thrown weapons and could hit targets even when she couldn't see them.
She had learned how to throw chakra scalpels and incorporated the shadow clone and body flicker jutsus into her arsenal, becoming a kunoichi at around Low Chunin Level, with her power being still lower than Mizuki's, who was approaching high chunin.
. . . . . .
Mizuki made it to class and into his seat mere moments before the teacher arrived.
After having the same teacher for the last few years,
Mizuki had developed a sort of sixth sense on when the teacher would arrive.
Mizuki looked around and noticed that all of his friends were in attendance, being there in person rather than just sending a shadow clone.
What a coincidence.
However, after hearing the teacher ramble for all of thirty seconds, Mizuki exchanged looks with his friends before sighing.
He was starting to remember why they all hated this class with such passion.
He should have just sent a damn shadow clone.
Just as Mizuki was about to make an excuse to leave the room though, planning to switch out with a shadow clone, he felt a weight leaning on his shoulder.
Mizuki turned to his right to see Anko leaning against his shoulder as she drifted into a nap. They hadn't even been in the class for two minutes yet.
This caused Mizuki to have a caring smile on his face as he noticed the purple-haired girl using his shoulder as a pillow, an odd sleepy smirk adorning her face.
Mizuki: {God damn, I will protecc the shit out of the shit out of that smile}
The first period eventually came and went as he was eventually forced to wake up Anko, much to his (and her) disappointment.
Mizuki: "You drool when you sleep"
Hearing these words, Anko gave him a playful elbow as they both let loose a chuckle.
Oddly enough, after he woke her up she had a barely noticeable blush on her face as she stuttered and got slightly awkward with him for a few minutes before returning to normal.
Mizuki: {What was that all about?}
Mizuki: {It's probably nothing.}
Taijutsu also came and went after what felt like forever to Mizuki as well.
It was unbearably easy to complete this class for someone who could perform the eight gates.
And he didn't have any adorable kunoichi sleeping on his shoulder for him to tease to make the time past quicker either.
However, as lunch rolled around Mizuki hung out with his friends like any normal day, with them all joking with one another and force back some food, which was still as bland as ever.
The remainder of the day passed as any other would, by sleeping through the afternoon classes, playing some card games with Anko to pass the time before using shadow clones to ditch the class early.
The two went to grab a bit to eat, in this case, a snack consisting of Dango which Anko insisted they get every day, despite Mizuki's pretests.
An hour later, and Mizuki left for his standard taijutsu training with Bushy Stache Sensei.
Currently, he could open the first three gates with ease and could open the fourth as well, albeit with some issue.
Whilst he certainly wasn't Might Duy level with the jutsu, who had devoted nearly his entire being into performing the technique, or even Rock Lee level, he still had a variety of tricks up his sleeve.