Mizuki, Idate and Anko all faced Orochimaru as he explained what their test would be.
Orochimaru: "Your test..."
As Orochimaru said those words, he pulled out a pair of bells, nearly identical to those used by Minato, Kakashi and Hiruzen.
Orochimaru: "You need to get these bells from me before the end of the day"
Orochimaru; "Also, at noon I will give two of you lunch depending on your performance in the morning"
Idate: "But Sensei...Why are there only two bells?"
Orochimaru: "Because only two of you can pass of course"
Idate glanced at Anko and Mizuki with a look of shock in his eyes as he prepared to get the bells.
However, just as the atmosphere was starting to get tense..they heard it.
The sound of Idate's stomach.
Idate: "Why did you ask us not to have breakfast then?"
Orochimaru then looked at Idate with a tinge of disappointment as he replied.
"Because I wanted to make things hard for you? I thought that much would be obvious at this point"
Idate then looked at Orochimaru with a hateful gaze whilst the latter didn't care as he quickly switched gears to testing the group.
Orochimaru: "By the way, you should use lethal force if you want these bells"
Idate: "B-B-But that means we are trying to kill you!"
Orochimaru dramatically sighed at Idate's words.
Orochimaru: "Yes, that is exactly what I mean"
Without waiting for Idate to answer, feeling that they had already wasted enough time, Orochimaru quickly moved on.
Orochimaru: "Ready?"
The tension in the air was practically palpable now, All three genin were waiting on the jonin's word.
Orochimaru had a smirk on his face as he noticed all three of the genin at attention.
Orochimaru: "Start!"
As soon as he said those words, all three genin infused their feet with chakra before leaping away.
Orochimaru: "Running Away. Huh?....At least they seem somewhat wise in regards to tactics"
As he said that, Mizuki and Anko got into prepared positions whereas Idate hid in a bush further away from them.
The spots that Mizuki and Anko organized for themselves allowed them to get a visual on the main training ground whilst also staying relatively hidden.
After five minutes of standing in the training ground and just looking around, Orochimaru finally sensed some movement.
Without even looking, Orochimaru moved his body slightly to the left, causing a kunai to fly over his shoulder at where his head once was.
After the kunai brushed past his shoulder, Orochimaru quickly and skillfully caught the kunai whilst it was in mid flight.
He then immediately turned around and threw the kunai at the approaching ninja, only for the kunai to pin his clothes against the tree.
And thanks to a certain kunoichi's intervention, as soon as the kunai brushed by his clothes, Idate discovered that not only was he not pinned against a tree, but also that he was basically naked.
Thankfully, Anko decided to leave his underwear alone, although besides that Idate was virtually but naked.
Idate: "W-W-What? Why?"
Idate then remembered his situation and quickly turned around only to find that Orochimaru was no longer behind him.
Idate: "Where did he go?"
Orochimaru had a smirk on his face as he stood just a couple of feet behind Idate, having moved there whilst his opponent was distracted by his clothes (or lack thereof).
Orochimaru: {What the hell happened to his clothes? Whatever it doesn't matter. although he should know not to let an enemy get behind him. He's lucky I'm not like some other jonin that like to use that jutsu}
Orochimaru then simply tapped Idate on the shoulder and waited.
Idate: "Hm? Ya?"
As Idate turned around he jumped back in surprise.
Idate: "Eh? Sensei?"
However, as he looked up into his eyes he could only find a smirk as he looked back him, having finished weaving a series of hand signs.
Orochimaru: "Demon Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique"
As he said those words, Idate ended up collapsing on the ground.
However, just as Orochimaru was lamenting about Idate, he sensed another kunai coming from his right, although as he dodged it, he noticed something attached to the end of the kunai.
Orochimaru: {Paper Bomb!}
Immediately after he thought that, Orochimaru ended up leaping to his right, further into the forest, just barely avoiding the explosion of the paper bomb.
Orochimaru: {That was an interesting move, it appears these kids have potential.}
However, as he thought that, Orochimaru noticed that suddenly, paper bombs revealed themselves on the trees all around him as they all began to burn.
Orochimaru: {They forced me into a trap?}
Using his skill, Orochimaru was able to run up the body of a tree, trying to escape the blast radius.
Again, he was able to just barely able to make it out of the area of effect before several explosions occurred.
The trees themselves were still standing tall, although they were charred along the bottom of their trunks where the explosive tags were placed.
Noticing that he had escaped, Orochimaru kept his guard up.
This effort rewarded him as not a moment later, Orochimaru noticed a massive fireball moving towards him.
Orochimaru decided to use this as a chance to get out of the trap filled forest, using the fire ball as cover for his escape.
Just as he had escaped, Orochimaru noticed several shuriken flying towards him, he smirked as he backed up even further and threw only a single one.
Orochimaru: {Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu}
Orochimaru watched as his one shuriken quickly multiplied until it reached the same amount that were launched at him.
Each shuriken intercepted one another, causing puffs of smoke as the shadow clones dissolved.
Orochimaru then looked up, by then he was in the training field, well out of the more risky territory of the forest.
Standing at a high branch and simply observing him, Orochimaru saw Anko. Staring at him like a hunter does a dear.
Orochimaru: {So it was her huh? Now I wonder where the last one is.}
Orochimaru's question was answered soon enough as he thought he was safe in the training field.
That is, until he felt a pair of hands spring up from underneath the earth and grab his ankles only to drag him down.
However, what he also noticed was that as he was grabbed, Mizuki placed an explosive tag on each of his ankles.
Mizuki: {Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu}
Mizuki then dragged Orochimaru below the ground until only his head was visible and quickly backed up as he weaved the activation sign for the tags.
As soon as the smoke cleared Anko body flickered as she appeared next to Mizuki.
Anko: "Did we get him?"
After waiting for fifteen more seconds, the smoke cleared to reveal a heavily charred body.
Although that did not last for long as the corpse, slowly and disgustingly, ripped open as an unharmed Orochimaru emerged from his "corpses" mouth, pulling himself out until he emerged.
Now unscathed, Orochimaru stared at the pair of genin as they watched with a hint of surprise in their eyes.
Mizuki and Anko then shook their heads as they prepared to attack again, knowing that slowing down wouldn't do them any good.
This fight was just getting started.