
*Quick Authors Note:

I was wrong about the whole chunin exam scroll thing, as that was a summoning and not them just being sealed inside the scroll. So, sorry about that.

However, I am not going to be changing this part of the novel. Insead, the jutsu will simply be a special variation of the original enclosing jutsu that is used in the show. One that was developed by Orochimaru.

Um..Ya, Thanks a bunch for being patient with me!

Now onto the story!


The group of three followed behind Kurenai, as they all jumped from platform to platform, being sure that they kept the high ground in order to avoid potential ambushes from other teams.

After five minutes passed, Kurenai came to a stop atop a seemingly random spot. The top of a cliff that was overlooking a small ravine, roughly fifty feet below.

Although this spot was hardly different from the tens of similar spots that they had passed on there way here.

That is, except for one thing.

The fact that the land in the surrounding area was filled with burns, sinkholes, and several other signs that a battle had taken place at that very location.

Kurenai: "Raido was last seen at this spot, roughly twenty odd minutes ago"

The group nodded and decided to look around the area first.

Mizuki grumbbled at how much chakra he had been forced to use before kneeling and closing his eyes, focusing on his jutsu.

Mizuki: {Mind's Eye!}

After spending years with him in the academy, even if they did not interact with one another outside of honourifics, Mizuki would still able to be recognize his chakra signature.

Within his range, Mizuki could detect only a few chakra signatures.

And unfortunaetly, Raido's was not among them.

Besides his own and those of his three "teammates" next to him, the only other chakra signatures he could feel were those of a group of unfamiliar genin who were currently fighting one another.

Mizuki quickly reported his findings to his teammates.

Kurenai: "So he is not within a range of three hundred meters, huh..."

Mizuki had a wry smile as she said those words.

Even if they were allies, it was best to keep some aces hidden just in case. In this case, pretending that his jutsu was weaker then it actually was.

Kurenai: "Damnit, and if to make things worse there are no footprints."

Mizuki looked over to Anko and nodded.

Catching his look, she quickly used her method of tracking. A jutsu which both Mizuki and Anko knew, although she was still better at using.

Anko: {Snake Art: Snake Senses}

(A/N: Ya, lame ass name, I know, if you have any better ideas for name I would love to here them in the comments.)

Anko: "It appears that his scent is in that direction, although it is pretty faint."

As she said that, she pointed towards the direction that was opposite to that they had arrived from.

Kurenai: "Are you sure?"

Anko: "Positive"

Seeing that she had his trail, the group then all decided to follow behind Anko as they traveled in the direction that his scent had led them too.

As they were all tracking Raido, and leapping from clifface to clifface as quickly as possible, Mizuki and Anko were discussing their own issues.

Mizuki: "How far should we be going with this? He's not even our teammate"

Anko looked towards Mizuki and thought about it for a small whilst.

Time spent with Orochimaru had changed them both, making them more calculating and ruthless.

Anko: "Even so, he is still the teammate of my friend so I would like to help them out"

Anko: "Besides, having him take up one of the passing spots could be advantagious to us as he is somebody who we could both beat in the next rounds"

Mizuki nodded in acceptance. After all, he wasn't a complete sociopath and he still needed Asuma to stay with him in order to pass.

Besides, being in the good graces of the son of the Hokage couldn't hurt.

However, that still left one thing.


Anko: "And Idate?"

Mizuki: "If he passes, he passes. But we are strong enough to pass the coming tests on our own."

Although Mizuki and Anko both knew, that as one of Orochimaru's precious experiments, Idate would easily pass this testand required no assistance from them.

However, there was one point that they both tacitly understood not to voice aloud.

That the signs of battle on the clifface were not at the level of a fight that would be considered normal for a test like this.

Rather, more than anything, it seemed like a life or death struggle.

Minutes continued to pass as the group advanced, following Anko as she tracked Raido's scent.

However, as they got closer to the scent, Anko realized something.

Anko: "The scent! It is moving away from us!"

Hearing this news, the group increased in speed as they resorted to using jutsu in order to try to catch up with him.

Genin: {Body Flicker Jutsu!}

They all used the body flicker jutsu, as even if the jutsu itself could be taken to powerful extremes, it was still a D rank jutsu that was suitable to be learned by genin.

The jutsu itself was used with varrying degrees of profficiency by the genin, as Mizuki and Anko were able to use the jutsu with minimal effort.

Whereas Asuma and Kurenai especially, had to exert more effort when casting it.

As they used the body flicker jutsu, they were slowly but surely closing the distance towards Raido's chakra signature.

At this point, Mizuki could even sense him with his mind's eye with the few times that he had attempted to use the jutsu in mid air.

However, for some reason, as soon as they were two hundred meters away from him, his speed increased as he took off.

Mizuki: "Shit! He just increased his speed"

They all channeled even more energy into their body flickers as their bodies created after images before advancing towards the fleeing Raido once more.

Little did they know what was in store for them at the end of this exam is something that would effect them all for the rest of their lives.


Why is Raido Running Away? What happened at the Cliff? What will become of the Four Genin?

Find out, on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z-*cough* I mean next chapter of Reincarnated as Mizuki


Quick Anouncement.

Dread it, Run from it, it will still arrive.

Thats, right.

As school is drawing to a close, most of my classes have decided to give us massive ass projects instead of exams.

So, currently I have a shit ton of work.

The release rate of 3 chapters per week will most likely remain although there is a small chance of it decreasing to 2 chapters per week in areas where things get rough.