Life and Death

Mizuki was to the genin's right, about ten meters away, with his arms crossed and his back close to the canyon's walls, his expressuin not betraying an ounce of weakness.

Cloud Spy: "If you would not mind humouring me, how did you guess that I was a spy"

Mizuki: "Honestly, it was mainly your skill. No ordinary genin, let alone a member of the genin corps, would be able to move so stealthily and quickly."

Mizuki: "Also, the damage that was dealt to Raido was clearly dealt by somebody who was vastly more skilled than him, and it would be highly unlikely that a member of the genin corps could tank something that Raido couldn't"

Mizuki: "Out of curiousity, are you ever gonna drop the henge?, god knows its a pain in the ass to fight whilst maintaining them."

Kumo Spy: "Fair Point."

Then, in a puff of white smoke, the jutsu was released and the spy's true form was revealed.

She appeared to be around the same age as Mizuki, perhaps a year younger, wearing the exact outfit that she wore in the anime, only at a smaller scale.

Despite this, her one defining feature that distinguished her in the anime was still there.

Her Massive Fucking Tits.

Mizuki: {Samui!}

Despite the fact that this was a seemingly cliche anime moment, Mizuki actually did have a purpose behind his actions.

He was buying time for his shadow clone.

. . . . .

(Mizuki's Shadow Clone POV)

As soon as the Kumo Spy destroyed the shadow clone, it's memories all instantly transfered to Mizuki's other shadow clone, confirming his suspiciousnes.

Mizuki softly muttered a curse under his breath in a language that did not exist in this universe.

Mizuki (In English): "Fuck My Life"

Mizuki: "Guys, We need to divert"

Kurenai: "What, Why?"

Asuma: "Yah, Why do we need to divert?"

Without even hesitating, Mizuki spilled the truth.

It would be useless to make up any lies, as Anko could sense Raido's position.

Mizuki: "Because Raido was with a Kumo Spy, He is fine right now but that does not change the fact that it is unsafe around this area."

This news was clearly somewhat shocking towards the three genin, although the suspicious circumstances surrounding Raido so far made it easy to convince them.

Although that then brought with it a new problem.

Asuma: "We need to go help you than"

Kurenai: "Yah!"

Anko stayed deathly silent,never so much as turning towards the clone, although she clenched her fists incredibly tightly, to the degree that her knuckles started to bleed.

Mizuki simply shook his head and sighed.

Mizuki: "Honestly, this is a match that must be one on one, if all of you show up than the spy will run off"

As much as the genin hated to admit it, they could only begrudgingly nod at Mizuki's logic.

Anko: "Mizuki..create another clone"

Confused, the Shadow clone decided that it would be best to do as she says and channeled some chakra to create another clone.

Seeing that another clone was there, Anko began her message.

Anko: "Mizuki...You better survive this thing or else Im gonna kick your ass on the other side"

As soon as she finished saying that, she socked the shadow clone directly across the face with a powerful punch, causing it to dissolve, it's memories being absorbed by the new clone and the original Mizuki alike.

. . . . .

Mizuki: {I will Anko.}

With that he placed both of his hands into his shinobi holsters for quick drawing as he got into a fighting stance and faced the buxom Kunoichi

Mizuki: "Well, what are we waiting for?"

The spy sighed as she dreq her tanto and got into her stance as well.

Both combatants remained perfectly still, analyzing the other and searching for any potential openings in the other's stance.

. . . . .

Suddenly, as quickly as the momentary peace arrived, it was vanished into thin air, as the conflict begun.

Both combatants instantly accelerated in speed as they faced one another.

As she had a Tanto, Mizuki decided that it would be best to attack from a mid range rather than risk a fight in close quarters.

This decision appeared to be the right one, as Samui channeled her chakra into the blade, causing it to cracckle with electricity and glow a faint, eerie electric blue.

She focused her chakra too her feet and launched herself towards Mizuki in one fluid, well practiced motion.

Mizuki was just barely able to dodge, as he quickly teleported away from her.

He appeared ten meters above her, seccuring himself to the side of the clifface by applying chakra to his feet.

His strategy was a simple one, to constantly harrass her with attacks until she tired out before he goes for the kill.

He quickly formed several hand seals before spewing several smaller fire balls, all of which followed various angles as they arced around before heading towards Samui's general area, entrapping her.

Mizuki: {Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!}

Despite this, she was able to expertly dodge through the barrage of fire balls as she gracefully evade each attack.

However, the quantity of fireballs soon over whelemed her as she realized she could not dodge all of them.

She let loose a silent tsk beneath her breath as she quickly rotated, her lightning clad tanto slashing through the final three fireballs, causing them all to disperse.

However, Mizuki did not waste the time that was given to him by her dealing with his fireballs, as by the time she had finished, he had already weaved the handsigns for a new jutsu.

Mizuki: {Summoning Jutsu!}

In a puff of white smoke, a white snake appeared, coiled around his body with only her neck and head visible, coiled around his with her head facing the same way as Mizuki's.

Mizuki: "I might need some help with this one Hime"

Hime: "What did you get yourself into this time?"

Ever sinse he summoned her, Mizuki had worked on developing his friendship with her and their teamwork.

After all, it would only serve to better him if his summon was loyal to him.

(A/N: Tsun MC lol)

Mizuki then nodded to her as they both executed their combination attack, putting more pressure on Samui.

Hime: "Wind Style: {Violent Whirlwind}

Mizuki: Fire Style: {Dragon Fire Technique}

Mizuki and Hime: {Flaming Cyclone}

A large cone of fire emerged emerged from the two as they blew a mixture of wind and flames in her direction, creating what was essentially a massive flamethrower.

However, they were quickly forced back on the defensive again, as they quickly sensed danger,and leapt from their position back to the now scorched ground.

Though, even with his incredibly quick reaction, Mizuki was unable to evade injury.

And so, the first blood of the fight was drawn as the lighning imbued tanto was able to slash across the flesh around his shoulder like a hot knife through butter

However, he did not do so without leaving a parting gift of his own, a point black fireball aimed directly at her face.

Similar to Mizuki, Samui was able to avoid the vast majority of the damage from the fireball, an impressive feat in and of itself.

Although she failed to dodge completely, as her left forearm ended up getting burnt in the insuing blast.

MIzuki winced from the pain as he felt the flesh started to crackle and burn slightly as he gracefully landed on the ground and looked upwards to face his opponent.

Similar to Mizuki, Samui also appeared to be in pain, although her look quickly shifted to one of determination as her gaze locked with her opponents.

It was clear that both of them realized that neither would grant an easy victory.