Just wanted to give a quick thanks to all of the feedback I got last chapter and I hope that you can see improvement in the fight scenes.
As always, any feedback about anything is really appreciated :)
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Mizuki winced as he felt the flesh on his shoulder starting to burn and his msucles twitch as the lightning coursed through his body.
Looking towards his opponent, he realized that she was in a similar position after he detonated a fire ball point blank in her face as a parting gift.
She was clutching her forearm, which was clearly scorched despite her being able to evade it for the most part.
Samui: "What is your name?"
Mizuki: "Huh?"
Samui: "I would like to know the name of the one who I am fighting"
Mizuki: "Never expected those words from a spy of all people"
Those words seemed to urk the girl as she faced him.
Samui: "Just because I am a spy doesn't mean that I don't have some pride as a Shinobi"
Mizuki: "Fair enough, I'm Mizuki, what's yours?"
Samui: "Mizuki, huh? A nice name. Samui."
Mizuki: "Samui-san, huh?"
Seeing as they both introduced themselves they decided that enough time had passed and they got back into their fighting stances.
Mizuki: {Shit, If I try to heal she is going to get an opening to kill me}
He silently tsked as he decided that he finnaly decided to get serious.
. . . . .
Seeing as he had used Fire Style Jutsu Earlier, Samui decided to lead with firestyle jutsu in order to counter him.
Samui: {Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet!}
She then spat out a large amount of water from her mouth, with it creating a dragon ,although one slightly smaller than normal due to there beign no water source nearby.
Instantly, A large pillar of water descended upon Mizuki, ready to engulf him.
However, Mizuki was able to counter this thanks to his other affinity, Earth.
He quickly wieved several handsigns before slamming his hand into the ground.
Mizuki: {Earth Style: Earth and Stone Dragon!}
Instantly, a dragon mirroring the one Samui cast appeared from the ground, this one made of earth and slightly larger.
The clash between both of the jutsu went as one would expect, with the earth dragon englulfing the water dragon.
At least that was until she decided to execute her strategy.
She used her lightning release to cause arcs of electricty to course through the water dragon, dramatically increasing the damage of the jutsu.
In addition to this, lightning is the natural counter to earth, making the jutsu even more effective.
The two dragons continued to clash, with the Earth Dragon losing the matchup, creating a cloud of dust as it was pulverized.
Mizuki used the cloud of dust to his advantage as he craeted a shadow clone body flickered next to Samui and swung a kunai with the intension of slicing her neck.
Predicting this move, she was able to dodge the attack, allthough only just barely due to Mizuki's shear speed, with him able to barely graze her, causing a line of blood to decorate her cheek.
However, this did little to deter the clone as he smirked and then..he simply exploded.
. . . . .
Mizuki panted heavily as he had a light smirk on his face and looked towards the site of the explosion, now a large crater in the side of the mountain, although slightly obscured by smoke.
This was one the results of Mizuki's extra training in this world, as he took inspiration from Itachi in the anime, and created a unique jutsu where he could create shadow clones with a certain fuinjutsu imbeded in them that allowed them to detonate.
Mizuki infused nearly half of all of his chakra into that clone in order to create that last explosion, and he desperately hoped that it was able to kill her.
Unfortunaetly for Mizuki, this was not the case, as he saw a figure emerge from the smoke.
Damaged but very much alive.
. . . . .
Samui: Samui was left weazing after the attack, somehow, she was able to mitigate the physical damage that the attack caused, remaing relatively unscathed, although it cost a significant portion of her chakra.
Seeing that Mizuki was in a similar situation as she, she smirked as she fought through the pain and grabbed her tanto.
She used her lightning release technique to it's fullest, creating a shroud of lightening surrounding herself which drastically enhanced her abilities.
Mizuki: {SonOfABitch, that's the Raikage's Technique! God Damn I am Fucked!}
Mizuki muttered under his breath about how he was going to regret this later, before closing his eyes and using a technique that he normally swore off using in actual combat due to it's danger.
Mizuki: "Eight Gates, Gate of Pain"
Instantly, his skin crackled and turned red whilst his hair stood up and his veins bulged.
Both combatants now had slight smirks on their face as they looked towards one another, eager to engage in combat.
. . . . .
Channeling her chakra through her feet, Samui's speed skyrocketed, apearing next to Mizuki in an instant, tanto in hand, ready to deliver a blow.
Mizuki responded by grabbing a kunai, intercepting her blow, although it caused him to take a step back, much to her delight and his dissapointment.
Soon, the valley was filled with mere afterimages of the two as they fought in the canyon, causing all genin nearby to flee due to the sheer amount of chakra they were sensing.
As they fought, the mysteries behind each of their strength also became clear.
Mizuki's physical strength was weaker than that of Samui's lightning mode by a fair margin.
However, despite this it was Mizuki who was winnign their duel.
This was because despite the fact that he was weaker physically, he did have one advantage.
Absolute Speed.
Mizuki was frequently vanishing and appearing right next to Samui at all different angles, testing her defenses and gradually wearing them down.
However, it was becoming increasingly clear that the battle could not last, as both of them were using their stamina to the fullest, and it mearly became a matter of who would be out of chakra first.
Unfortunaetly for Mizuki, the Eight Gates were much more taxing on the body than the Lightning Chakra Mode, and so, he was forced to dissengage the jutsu or risk permenant injury or death.
Seeing the opportunity, Samui dissengaged her Lightning Armour as well, as it was using up a significant portion of her chakra.
She knew that if she kept it active he would take Raido and flee.
So long as he was able to find another team and pass on the message, her mission would be a complete failure.
So, she was forced to dissable it in order to prevent him from leaving.
This however, did not mea that she was any less deadly, as she grabbed her tanto and in a manner similar to earlier vanished as she rushed towards him using lightning style in order to dramatically boost her speed, but nothing more.
. . . . .
Mizuki grimacced as he fought through the backlash of using the eight gates, desperaetly trying to get his body to respond.
Finally, at the last second, he was able to regain control, and he used the body flicker to it's fullest, vanishing away from her at the last second.
Soon, the battle between theme became a game of cat and mouse, with Samui trying to catch Mizuki as he body flickered away.
However, similar to all games of cat and mouse, it was always innevitable that at one point or another, the mouse would slip up.
Eventually, Samui was able to catch Mizuki off guard as she threw her Tanto at him.
He easily evaded the strike, however it left him open to her next attack, where she was able to rush him and deliver a critical punch to the gut.
However, Despite his pain, Mizuki was not expressing it at all on his face.
Rather his current expression was one of joy and relief.
Like what he was waiting for had finally come.
As she punched him he grabbed onto her shoulder and did not let go, making sure that he was able to hold onto her.
If one was observant, they would notice the kanji for "steal" appear on the palm of his hand, although this effect was minor compared to the others.
(A/N: IDK what this Kanji would look like, google it.)
The area around where he was touching glowed bright blue as he executed the technique that he had been working on nonstop for the past few months.
The very same jutsu that Mizuki used against the other genin earlier in the test and the real reason behind why he kept the genin's unconcious body in his scroll.
A Fuinjutsu that could allow the user to rappidly drain chakra from the user at a rapid pace in order to replenish himself in battle.
Unfortunaetly, it required physical contact for maximum effeciveness, although it was still nonetheless a powerful jutsu.
(A/N: Remember Yoroi from the Chunin Exams? Of course you don't. Imagine this as a way more busted, fuinjutsu version of his jutsu.)
Samui: {He stole my chakra!}
Despite the blow heavily bruising him and being sent back into a clifface by the attack, Mizuki wore a smirk on his face as he finally had enough chakra to go on the offensive.
Looking at each other, both genin realized that they only had enough chakra for one final attack.
. . . . .
Samui used a technique only known to direct student's under the raikage, personally taught to her by none other than the third raikage himself.
She breathed out as she readied her attack, her tanto crackling with lightning, now black in colour, and several times more powerful as well.
Samui: {Cloud Style: Black Panther's Fang!}
Mizuki also exhaled slightly as a sphere of chakra gathered in his right hand and expanded.
After years upon years of training the jutsu, Mizuki was familiar enough to perform the rasengan and some of it's variants with just one hand.
Mizuki: {Massive Rasengan}
However, that was not the end of Mizuki's preperation as the Rasengan that was originally as large as his torso began to shrink until it could fit into Mizuki's palm.
Despite this, if one were to look at the rasengan now, they would notice that it was much more densely packed and powerful.
Mizuki: {Compressed Rasengan}
As soon as they finished preparing their attacks, they both rushed towards one another and executed their attacks.
As t both attacks met one another, they produced a brilliant flash of light, and then..
A/N: For the record, I did not steal this Idea off of T0xin for the chakra seal, even though I do happen to read his work. The idea for the seal is inspired by a mixture of the contract seal, (the seal which minato applied to obito via touch), and the chakra absorbing seal that kabuto uses. Nonetheless, I do see the similarities, I just wanted to point this out to avoid any potential backlash/whathaveyou.
There is actually another reason behind using this technique besides it being kind of good in battle, which will be revealed at a later date.