Who Shot Me?

In his car, Luke adjusted the windows to darken them, before the both of them put on their equipment.

They put on the special bulletproof vests that Luke made, then the police vests, and also strapped on the walkie-talkies which Luke had invented himself.

His instructions might wind up being in violation of certain rules of the police department, so it would be better to keep a police communication line open after they went in.

They examined their guns and magazines, and carried smoke and stun grenades made by Luke.

He also gave Selina a grappling hook, but as with the smoke and stun grenades, it was only designed to be used in a critical moment.

Selina was unsurprised as she had already tested the equipment before.

Once they were all set, they got out.

They hung their badges around their necks, in case the SWAT team accidentally injured them.

Finally, they took a detour and entered the apartment building from a back street.