Shield, Quick Draw and a Tie

The moment he entered the building, Luke pressed a gear on his left arm, and it split open into a tiny shield.

The one lesson a person could take from Captain America was that the best weapon anyone could need was in fact a hard shield.

However, this shield wasn't huge, and it was attached to his left arm.

He didn't take out his gun, and his right hand only rested above his holster.

Watching out for any movements in front of him, he went upstairs quietly and quickly.

When he reached the sixth floor, he didn't go forward immediately, but took a deep breath and raised his left arm.

Bam! Clang!

A bullet hit the shield that protected his head. In the meantime, Luke fired his revolver.

He had locked onto the enemy in advance with Sharp Nose before he opened fire.


He almost heard the sound of a bullet hitting flesh.

Bang! Bang!