Even If You Don’t Work Overtime Today, You’ll Have to Tomorrow

He couldn't help but look at the side of the boat not far away, which had a huge dent in it.

The sunbathing spot which Luke had chosen was blocked by bushes, and was difficult to see from a distance.

As for the boat that the forensic scientists were working on, it was in a small bay that was much lower than the surrounding terrain.

Thus, the shabby pickup didn't notice them at all when it passed by both times.

Narrowing his eyes, Luke suddenly said, "Selina, time to get to work." Saying that, he hopped off the rocks next to the slope and dashed to the front of the pickup.

Taking out his badge, he shouted, "LAPD, stop your car!"

There was a slight pause, as if the pickup was going to slow down, but a moment later, the engine revved, and it sped up.

Luke's nose twitched, and he frowned. He then took out the Glock from his holster.

Bang! Bang!

The two shots hit the front left wheel of the pickup, and it swerved off the road.