Guys, We Have More Work To Do

Luke hummed a response and said, "It's about a kilometer away."

Elsa said, "I just received a call from Winston Bagir. He shot Philis Swick in his villa. Since you're there, go over and take a look. Right, are the guys from the forensics department still there? Take them with you."

Luke looked at the two forensic scientists, who had just closed the trunk of their SUV with relieved expressions, and said, "Yes, they're still here. We're on our way."

Hanging up, he walked over to the two forensic scientists and gave them a brilliant smile. "I'm sorry, fellas, but there's a new crime scene we need to check out right now."

The two forensic scientists shouted, "WTH?"

Luke and Selina were more relaxed now.

They returned to Swick's villa, which they had visited in the afternoon, and handcuffed Winston Bagir. The patrol officers then arrived to take him to the police department.

Winston Bagir was Wendy Bagir's husband.