Advance Guard Taking It Easy and Rapid Exposure

Harrison was a sly old fox.

With how often he had taken the fall before, he should've been fired dozens of times already, but his position as a captain had never been shaken.

It wasn't because he was backed by someone powerful, but because many of the missions that were given to his squad were highly dangerous.

For example, in the gunfight against Bullseye, ten members in his squad died, but that wasn't because of any lapse in Harrison's command.

The bigshots in LAPD were no fools.

If they let go of a subordinate like Harrison who was capable, willing to get things done, and wasn't afraid to take responsibility, then who else in SWAT would work on the tricky cases?

If they let go of a captain over each case, then half of SWAT's teams would've been replaced in a year!