A Warm and Friendly Greeting From LAPD

Suddenly, Selina handed him the tablet and pointed quickly at a few locations.

Looking at the red spots marked on several tall buildings in the image, Luke heaved a sigh. "There may be snipers in this area: The third window from the left on the twelfth floor of Botaly Plaza, the fifth window from the right in apartment building No. 52 on East 27th Street, and…"

As he reported five locations in a row, Harrison inwardly cursed that these people were all nutjobs.

As long as these five snipers weren't terrible, they could throw the convoy into chaos.

Snipers were truly a great threat to a convoy which only had rifles and pistols. They were scarier than the earlier RPG.

The convoy slowed down again. The police force which had just cleaned up one batch of criminals swarmed toward the garbage truck and the sewer workers.

A criminal ambush on the road wasn't a big problem. They either ran off or surrendered when they didn't see the convoy.