Going In Twice More, and Getting Used to It

When the town was covered in white ash once more, Luke's drones were once again useless and he was running blind.

He didn't bother with them.

The drones that had been released earlier lost signal, so they had landed nearby and were awaiting instructions.

This town was constantly changing. It probably wouldn't be long before it turned back into that gloomy setting once more. Even if the drones didn't move, they could still capture a lot of information.

In any case, the fog only prevented them from sending out a signal; they could still record and save footage.

Compared with the drones, Luke was more interested in the monster dog carcasses not far away.

When the world transformed just now, he saw with his own eyes how the bodies of the monster dogs also peeled away until they disappeared.

This really was a world that didn't care about science or fundamental laws!

Moving in a flash, he pulled Stacy over to Cybil and Rose.