Divided Into Six Parts, and Rose Reappears

But what happened next scared the two women who were secretly observing the fight.

The monster's head had fallen off, but its body was still standing.

It reached out for the pyramid head on the floor, as if to put it back on its neck.

Luke simply watched the show.

Over ten seconds later, Pyramid Head regrew new hands, and it was finally able to pick up the head from the ground and put it on its neck.

After a few seconds of recovery, its head was reattached to its neck.

Pyramid Head turned to look at Luke, who was watching from the side. It grabbed the broadsword that was on the floor and stood up.

It raised the broadsword and slashed down!

Luke dodged again and brandished his spear.

Pyramid Head was split into six pieces.

Luke stepped forward and kicked the six pieces in different directions. He then called for Stacy and Cybil. "Let's go. This monster can't die. Let's hide a little further away."