Chapter 0046: Hiring Male and Female Servants

"Big Lily, where's Little Lily?"

"What's the matter, Old Yab? Little Lily is feeding the chickens in the yard." Big Jasmine was a middle-aged woman, with a hunchbacked spine marked by years of hard labor.

Old Yab's wrinkled face beamed with a smile, "It's good news, Lord Landlord's castle is hiring new servants. Butler Mister Carter said they're looking to hire three male servants, one female servant, and one kitchen maid. Big Lily, Little Lily could apply for the maid position."

"Really? Is Lord Landlord truly hiring new maids? Is this true? That's fantastic." Big Lily sprinted into the house. "I have to go tell Little Lily."

"Go quickly," said Old Yab, and by the time he finished speaking, Big Jasmine had already vanished from sight. He chuckled, shaking his head, and muttered, "I've got to go spread the good news to everyone. In the castle, ah, they can drink milk every day, such a wonderful life awaits the children, they're so lucky."