Chapter 0045: The Friendship Harvested from Smoked Grass and Cows


Fortunately, after a recollection of more than five hundred words, Griffe finally got back to the main storyline of dragon slaying.

"I had to ensure that I truly meant it when I initially swore to quit smoking. It's just that later on, I forgot because I was astonished by the actions of the Formless Dragon. My God, it actually snatched the Smoked Grass out of my hands, devoured it, and I think it must have mistaken the taste due to not having bathed in years."

"Sorry, I spoke ill of the Formless Dragon. In fact, we became friends later on. Because it ate my Smoked Grass and didn't kill me, and I, in exchange for a bundle of Smoked Grass and two cows, gained the friendship of the Formless Dragon. Honestly, the Formless Dragon isn't that big, only slightly larger than a house."

"I've seen the Bronze Dragon of the Duke of Maple Leaf, which is a beautiful Metal Dragon nearly thirty meters in length. The Formless Dragon looked like its child, oh, but dragons don't have children."