Chapter 0089: Able to Raise a Pony

"Mrs. Abbie, Little Lily and I are planning to go to town to see the clown show, would you like to join us?" Eileen moved the large chunk of tridacna meat out of the basket to dry outside the castle.

Douson ate a large piece of tridacna meat yesterday and not only was he fine, but he was also full of energy and vigor.

So, tridacna meat is edible.

"Oh, heavens! Why would the master be so generous to give you a day off?" Mrs. Abbie busily arranged various seasonings on the stove, "If you like your job as maids, you should stay in the kitchen obediently; there is a big pile of work to do every day."

"Mr. Carter said that the master instructed that only a fried steak is needed for lunch and that we servants may eat beans and bread. It does not require much work," Little Lily said while moving the tridacna meat as well.

A single tridacna weighs over five hundred pounds; after removing three hundred pounds of the shell, there is still over two hundred pounds of meat.