Chapter 0088: What is the Value of the Black Pearl?

The Tridacna shell was huge, over two meters long and almost as wide, and while Liszt was still growing and now nearly reached a height of one meter eighty-five, he could still fit inside the clean Tridacna shell to sleep if he wished.

Of course, that suggestion was just a casual remark.

The shape of the Tridacna shell was too peculiar, its form like that of a great wave, not suited to be crafted into a bed. He had the Tridacna shell placed at the castle's entrance as a giant sculpture. It had to be said, the hollowed-out, cleaned Tridacna shell had quite an aesthetic appeal.

Having dealt with the Tridacna, Liszt returned to the study to examine the Black Pearls.

Carter had moved all the Black Pearls into the study, but now, apart from the small Black Pearl in Liszt's hand, the other Black Pearls were invisible—they had been stashed away by Liszt in a Space Gem near his chest, as he chose to keep valuable items close to his person.