Chapter 100: The Development of New Bread

In the bakery, Liszt saw the plump Reynard.

Without showing much concern for his serfs or adopting a friendly demeanor, he went straight to the point, "Reynard, how long have you been baking bread?"

"I started baking bread as soon as I arrived at Fresh Flower Farm, Lord Landlord, It's been eighteen years," Reynard said respectfully, "My mother was once a kitchen maid at Tulip Castle, and she taught me the skill of bread-making. I followed her here when Coral Island's Earl started the Fresh Flower Farm in Fresh Flower Town."

The developmental history of Coral Island is hard to trace, with claims that people were already living on the island even before the Sapphire Duke came overseas to establish the kingdom.

Later, the Sapphire Duke declared Coral Island property of the kingdom and sent officials to govern it.