Chapter 101 Levis's Birthday Party

Walking on the main road of Thorn Ridge.

Liszt felt quite satisfied. When he first arrived, this road made people anxious, constantly worrying about a magical beast jumping out. Now, the open view made it so that no one worried about the attacks of magical beasts. The original dirt road had also been transformed into a new gravel road, though it was still bumpy.

Marcus rode a dun mare that was pregnant, half a horse length behind Liszt's Li Dragon Horse.

He was fully armed, fearless in the increasingly warm weather, carefully inspecting every move around him. He was not only Liszt's home tutor for knight lessons but also the knight assigned by the Earl to protect Liszt—some countries would call such a knight a Chief Knight, but the Grand Duchy did not have this system.

Following behind Liszt and Marcus was Karl Ironhammer, the town's defense officer.