Chapter 134: The New Consultant of Fresh Flower Town

The Duchy of Sapphire follows the system of the Steel Ridge Kingdom.

Knights are led by the Knight Commander, while officials are headed by consultants.

As Liszt's family tutor, Goltai, after the implementation of the Feudal system, was designated by the Earl to accompany Liszt to Fresh Flower Town, what he sought was the position of consultant.

After all, no matter how nicely one puts it, a family tutor can't change the fact that he is part of the servitude.

Marcus was the same, also a family tutor, yet still a Retainer Knight in status, belonging to the servant hierarchy. Even Goltai himself was a noble, although the lowest-level Honored Knight, while he was not even a noble, just one of the better-off among the commoners.

"Lord, are you going to appoint me as the consultant of Fresh Flower Town?" Goltai was still a bit incredulous. Having been there for half a year, Liszt had never mentioned the role of a consultant, and he had almost given up hope.