Chapter 0135: Kostor's Carrot and Stick Approach

"Ready... all ready... tack with the wind!"

"Tighten the braces!"

"Keep downwind, heading downwind!"

"Prepare to lower the sails!"

"Oar room, row on the port side!"

"Raise the fore-and-aft sail!"

The waves gently undulated across the sea as the Fresh Flower Vessel slowly sailed with the current, intermittently stopping, circling, or turning. Captain Kostor's voice, with the effect of a loudspeaker, continuously rang out over the entire ship, issuing various commands. Twelve sailors busied themselves in a frenzy, controlling the large ship.

Considering the size and tonnage of the Fresh Flower Vessel, twelve sailors were simply not enough to operate it; the full complement was thirty sailors.

The tasks meant for thirty people were being carried out by merely twelve youths, all novices at that, so the pressure was imaginable. Consequently, the ship's voyage was intermittent, never able to smoothly head towards the target.

But regardless.