Chapter 0211: Fire Dragon Magic Power in the Bubble (Fourth Update, Alliance Hierarch Additional Update 9/22)

Volcanic glass is a natural glass formed during a volcanic eruption.

Liszt was not quite clear on why it forms into glass; otherwise, he would have figured out the glass long ago. As for the reddish-brown stone in his hand, whether it was volcanic glass was merely his speculation.

Not being an expert, it was difficult to make a judgment.

"Smoke Mission says this thing is a Fire Attribute Core, Marcus says he felt traces of magic power, I need to check it carefully, to see if it really possesses Fire Attribute magic power."

He immediately used the Eye of Magic.

His pupils swirled like a vortex, the profound gaze sweeping over the reddish-brown stone. Suddenly, the stone changed, becoming points of red light within his field of vision. The light seemed faint but exuded a luxurious texture, markedly different from ordinary Fire Attribute magic power.


An idea suddenly leaped into Liszt's mind: "Could this magic power be remnants of a Fire Dragon's?"