Chapter 0212: Dugu Seeking Defeat (Fifth Update, Alliance Hierarch Added Update 10/22)

Bang thud!

Clang crash!

The fine steel-forged knight's spears, accompanying the charge of two elite earth knights, bent and deformed. Every collision sparked flames and emitted piercing sonic booms, as if they would break at any moment.

Even if they didn't break, the two spears were on the verge of being scrapped and needed to be remelted and recast.

Liszt's fire attribute Dou Qi enveloped him like a war god in flames, while Marcus's wind attribute Dou Qi coiled around him like a drifting cloud.

Lasse and Rondo, watching from a distance, saw the collision of fire and fog.

The fog was on the defensive, the fire on the offensive, and the sky was alight with fiery clouds.

"Marcus is an elite earth knight, but the Baron has managed to match him blow for blow, each charge overpowering Marcus—I can't believe it!" Rondo exclaimed, eyes wide with shock.