Chapter 0227 Banquet at the First Floor Restaurant (Fifth update, Alliance Hierarch additional update 19/22)

Even though the ice and snow had arrived,

the sea at Fresh Flower Town did not freeze over, and the Fresh Flower Vessel returned smoothly to the dock.

This time, it brought back a cargo of volcanic glass ore, as well as some fire dragon bone fragments.

"The construction planning for the port town has been roughly outlined according to Your Lordship's design," Marcus reported in the castle study to Liszt. "The bone fragments at the Burial Ground have been cleaned up, and most of the volcanic glass ore between the rock columns has been mined. If we continue mining, it will damage the grassland."

"Let's pause for now. We must not destroy the grasslands; breeding the Black Blood Treasured Horses is important. Besides, with so much volcanic glass, we likely have enough for now. It is a strategic resource, and we have to consider the future of Black Horse Island."

"So, what's the next step for Black Horse Island?"