Chapter 0228: Bathtub Hot Spring and Fire Dragon Brand Air Conditioner (First Update)

The productivity in the Different World was indeed weak, and scientific literacy frighteningly low, but this system of absolute authority a Landlord held over his domain allowed Liszt to work with great efficiency.

After Marcus transported back the volcanic glass ore, he quickly had the Fresh Flower Caravan invite the crystal craftsman Brad to start polishing these volcanic glasses.

And he began his own experiments.

First was the experiment on releasing and collecting Fire Dragon Magic Power.

How to release the magic power contained within the bubbles of the volcanic glass ore was discussed with Goltai and Marcus, and they decided to adopt a drilling method. This meant drilling holes into the bubbles of the volcanic glass so that the volcanic glass would not need to be shattered to release the Fire Dragon Magic Power contained within. Brad, unaware of the full picture, was assigned the drilling task.