Chapter 0249: Violent Dismantling of the Ghost Ship (Fourth update, additional chapter for 70,000 recommendation votes)


Kicking the door open with one foot, Liszt entered the destination with the Crimson Blood Sword in hand.

Only after entering the cabin did he realize why there was such a concentration of magic power here—it was because the entire cabin's walls were densely carved with magic runes.

In the square cabin, there was nothing but a simple square table and a stool. On the table lay a book, a box of ink, and a goose feather quill dipped in the ink.

The green magic runes flickered continuously, creating a mysterious and magical atmosphere.

"Woof woof!"

After Douson squeezed into the cabin, he rushed toward a wall and barked aggressively. Following Douson's gaze, Liszt looked at the wall and saw another pale face emerge, suddenly screaming a piercing, "Damn it!"

"Go to hell!" Liszt raised the Crimson Blood Sword and stabbed forward, bursting the pale face.