Chapter 0250: Exiled Lands in the Mist (Fifth Update, 80,000 Votes Bonus Chapter)

"Who are you, and why do you disturb my eternal slumber!"

A female magician made of green light, her cloak also burning with a faint green glow, made it impossible to discern her figure or face. One could only sense that she was a petite woman, her voice ethereal and wavering, which felt especially sinister in such surroundings.

Liszt had seen a 36D Ghost before, so the appearance of this ghostly form didn't frighten him.

He found it interesting that a person really could exist in the form of a soul and still retain independent consciousness. He put away his Fine Steel Battle Axe and drew the Crimson Blood Sword, summoned his Fire Attribute Dou Qi within him, ready to counterattack at any moment. Only then did Liszt speak, "Are you Curtis Truth?"