Chapter 0251 Treacherous Heart and the Pain of Losing My Love (First Update)


Thump thump thump!

Liszt hurriedly left the cabin and came onto the deck, kicking aside two knights who were fighting each other and rushed straight for the mast.

He felt that what Curtis had said was true; after all, the Soul Submerged Wood was in his hands and he possessed the ability to dismantle the ship, so the other party dared not play tricks.

The mast was tall, but for an Elite Earth Knight, it was easy to climb.

At the top of the mast was the Goat Head Flag, which fluttered without wind. The green flame was not the flag burning, but the goat head's emblem itself ablaze. It was unclear how it was made, for the goat head looked like an actual goat head, not just a painting.

"Remove the Goat Head Flag and place it atop the dragon figurehead at the bow of the ship, and thus the door to the real world shall be opened," he reached out, preparing to remove the flag.

But suddenly, he felt a tightness in his heart.