Chapter 269: Sorrow Mixed with Longing and Resentment (First Update)

Liszt, after loading the Fresh Flower Vessel with cargo, set sail for Black Horse Island.

So far, the Fresh Flower Vessel had made more than ten trips between Coral Island and Black Horse Island without encountering a single storm, so the Calming Sea Pearl had never been used.

However, having the Calming Sea Pearl on board gave the crew plenty of confidence, and Liszt felt at ease.

"When I get back, I'll ask Elkerson if he can make a Calming Sea Pearl... Never mind, I'll just go to Granney. Granney has a lot of experience, and although his temper is a bit annoying, for the sake of the Calming Sea Pearl's quality, it would be best to have him make it." Liszt stood at the bow of the ship, scanning his surroundings.

He hoped to encounter his own Siren during the voyage.

Unfortunately, by the time the Fresh Flower Vessel reached the dock named Black Horse Port, there was still no sign of the Siren.