Chapter 0268: Desperately Searching for the Siren (Fifth Update, Additional Chapter for 2000 Monthly Votes)

The Blizzard Beast in front of him was still very small, and Liszt did not have time to take care of it all day. He simply transformed the entertainment room into an air-conditioned space, and handed over the heavy responsibility of caring for the eight unopened-eyed Blizzard Beasts to the female butler Mrs. Morson and the most attentive maid Maisie.

Despite their small size, the Blizzard Beasts ate quite a lot.

The leftover milk Liszt had today was just enough for their consumption, but as they grew larger, he estimated that he would have to use the stock of powdered milk to feed them.

Busy all day, the little Blizzard Beasts ate and then slept, showing no signs of early demise.

It seemed that they would all grow up strong and healthy.