Follow Your Heart

"Me? About me?" Jian Sangyu put the cup slowly back onto the table. With two hands on the table, she dug her fingers into the edge of the table.

Jian Sangyu had never had such a serious conversation with Gu Chen, so she was somewhat panicking and nervous inside.

"You can do whatever you want to do. The Gu Family do not forbid you from having any job or hobby. I spend most of my time in the team and I can't keep you company at home like other women's husbands When I am not at home, you need to have a life. So, I suggest that you should find a job you like to enrich your life."

Gu Chen did not know much about piano, but judging from the eulogies of the guests today, he could tell that Jian Sangyu was an excellent pianist.

Gu Chen knew that Jian Sangyu used to go out for competitions and performances before she married him, but for some reason, she stopped being involved with the piano after she was married. And the cause of that was something Gu Chen had no idea about.

Jian Sangyu was also quite surprised that Gu Chen would share these ideas with her when he wanted to talk about "life". She was even more surprised that Gu Chen would suggest that she should find a job she liked.

Jian Sangyu had no idea what she liked to do in terms of work.

"Doing what I wish for?" Jian Sangyu was a bit confused. What she wanted to do was to divorce Gu Chen and then support herself by playing the piano.

But he disapproved of the divorce, so she didn't have anything special she wanted to do now.

"Do you have a dream, a wish?" Jian Sangyu's confused look didn't escape Gu Chen's eyes. So Gu Chen asked her in a different way.

"If you do have one, then go for it." Gu Chen said.

Maybe it was because of his determined voice that urged Jian Sangyu to go for her dream, Jian Sangyu suddenly felt that the flame inside her heart was ignited once again.

"Any work can do?" Jian Sangyu looked a bit hopeful. She asked discreetly and tried to get the answer carefully as well.

"Anything legal and moral can do." Gu Chen answered.

Seeing Jian Sangyu's eyes getting brighter, Gu Chen was a bit surprised by this subtle change, one that made her somehow more animated.

"Remember what you said, Gu Chen." Jian Sangyu smiled at Gu Chen brightly. "I also have a wish, one that has been hidden inside my heart for more than ten years! Thank you for inspiring me. I am going to realize it!"

Jian Sangyu stood up in a flattering and pleasing way and poured Gu Chen some tea. She looked bolder as well.

"Gu Chen, I don't think marriage is a game. I have been thinking a lot about the divorce, and I hope you can also consider my proposal. I do believe that it won't take long before you agree with me."

Gu Chen did not remember the last time he saw Jian Sangyu smiling in this way. That must have been a long time ago, when she was still a schoolgirl in uniform, carrying a backpack and asking Jiang Xing to go to school with her.

Jian Sangyu's behaviors of today turned over all the impressions she had left upon Gu Chen during the past few years. At this moment, Gu Chen was finally certain that Jian Sangyu had been putting on a show of being docile and obedient before

He had been fooled by this mysterious wife of his.