A Silly Goose

If Gu Chen could get the cell-phone back once, he could do it the second time too. What was she being so conceited for anyway?

Since she had got the cell-phone back, she should have hidden it behind his back. But why was she trying to provoke him anyways?

Just as Jian Sangyu was readying for his attack upon her, Gu Chen took a step backwards and looked down at her from a commanding view. Then he put his two hands into his pockets instead.

Then he smiled positively and nodded. He had agreed with her.


He had agreed?

Jian Sangyu even started to suspect if this Gu Chen was the real one. Since when did this guy become so easygoing?

He even agreed with hee with a smile, yes, with a smile!

His smile was not very bright, yet Jian Sangyu did notice that when Gu Chen was nodding, he had his lips slightly arched.

Seeing Jian Sangyu acting so startled, Gu Chen didn't plan to give any more explanations. She looked so lovely as if she had received a pie from the sky and that everything seemed so incredible.

Gu Chen returned to the desk and started to read once again. At this moment, Jian Sangyu was still standing on the same spot and spun around with him and followed his movements.

Gu Chen suddenly thought of an animal that fitted Jian Sangyu perfectly.

She was like a silly goose.

"Jian Sangyu." Gu Chen suddenly called out to her. The girl behind him replied to him nonchalantly.

"Don't eat too much candy." Gu Chen stressed.

Jian Sangyu threw a look at Gu Chen again. Her big eyes looked so full of emotion that Gu Chen just couldn't make a description out of it.

"The candies are brought back home, so you have agreed to let me eat them." Jian Sangyu mumbled. "If you don't allow me to eat them, don't bring them home. It is not right of you to make me look at it but not touch it."

Gu Chen, for the first time, realized that Jian Sangyu was so talkative.

"Jian Sangyu." Gu Chen interrupted her mumbling by calling out her full name. "Repeat what I just said."

"Eat less candies." Jian Sangyu replied very fast and then she realized what was going on.

He said "less candies" rather than "no candies!"

Finally, he stopped saying something like "no"!

"That means that I can eat them?" Jian Sangyu suddenly grabbed out the candies that she hid behind Gu Chen's books and gave one to Gu Chen. "Gu Chen, you are very nice!"

Jian Sangyu was the only person who had given him candy since he was little, and he also accepted it. He didn't open the package but pinched it in hands.

That didn't feel as good as her face.

No, much worse.

As he thought of the way Jian Sangyu praised him, Gu Chen suddenly chuckled and asked, "If that is the case, will you stop thinking about divorcing me?"

Jian Sangyu's smile froze and then she started to giggle feeling embarrassed.

That was not possible.

She had been trying to get Gu Chen to divorce her one day when she showcased her true side. That was what she had been expecting to happen.

Seeing Jian Sangyu's fake smile, Gu Chen knew the answer directly. Instead of asking further, he had his eyes transfixed upon the screen and asked. "Grandpa got the cell-phone back for you?"