She Was Gone

When the grandpa said that he was going home, Gu Chen subconsciously started to walk back. After a few meters, he found that something was wrong. Startled, he realized that he had not been out alone and Jian Sangyu and General were both gone within such a short time!

Gu Chen sped up his walk towards home. He was sure that Jian Sangyu and General had gone home.

When he came home, Gu Chen failed to find them after a search in the living room, and when he went upstairs, he failed to find Jian Sangyu and General as well.

So, neither of them had come home?

Or were they hiding somewhere in the house?

Gu Chen came downstairs and asked with a sunk face, "Where is she?"

"Who is where?" Grandpa Gu asked nonchalantly with eyes on TV.

"Jian Sangyu." Gu Chen replied and added a moment later, "And General."

"Didn't you go out to take a walk? You came home alone, but where is Sangyu and General? Don't tell me that you have just lost a dog and a girl? You took them out and now you are asking us about their whereabouts!" Grandpa Gu was amused. "I don't worry about General, he can always come home, because he knows the way. But if your wife is gone, maybe she is never going to return."

"Jian Sangyu did not take General home at all?" Since Grandpa Gu had once helped Jian Sangyu, Gu Chen did not trust his words completely. Then he turned to Gu Yang and his wife who looked amused by this matter, and then lowered his head to ask the boy. "Has your cousin-in-law been home?"

"After you brought them out they have never been home!" The boy answered with a serious tone.

"Okay." Gu Chen felt the boy's head and dashed off the house instantly.

Gu Chen was a little bit surprised by Jian Sangyu who did not take the opportunity to run home with General when she had one. Was she really walking the dog in the compound alone?

Fifteen minutes later, Gu Chen had already done a thorough search in the neighborhood and failed to find anyone. Gu Chen called Jian Sangyu, but the call did not go through.

Gu Chen frowned as he stood under the tree. Who was she on phone with for such a long time?

Maybe Jiang Xing?

Gu Chen called Jiang Xing when he found him a suspect. But unexpectedly, Jiang Xing's phone went through and he picked it up after a few seconds.

"Hello, what is it, Bro?" Jiang Xing sounded drowsy. He must be taking a nap.

"Were you on the line with your sister-in-law just now?" Gu Chen asked anyway.

"No?" Jiang Xing answered with curiosity. "I was taking a nap. I didn't even talk with her today. What is it?"

Gu Chen had wanted to hang up after giving a brief answer, but he changed his mind and added, "Her phone is always busy."

What Gu Chen said was followed by what Jiang Xing said, and those made Gu Chen sink his face.

"Always busy? Maybe Sangyu has blocked you?" Jiang Xing burst out the answer without thinking much. "When I said something that displeased her last time, she had me blocked for one week. So whenever I called her, her phone was always busy."

Jiang Xing was about to add something more when the buzzing sound arose from the other side of the phone.