
That buzzing sound jerked Jiang Xing up completely.

Jiang Xing sat up from the bed all of a sudden and stared at the phone, transfixed.

What did he tell his cousin so that he had set Jian Sangyu up accidentally again?

If Jian Sangyu had known that he had revealed so much to his cousin, she would get so pissed that she would block him for one year!

Jiang Xing called Jian Sangyu directly and was about to worry that Jian Sangyu would not hear him when the phone went through.

"Sangyu what are you doing? You are not with my cousin?" Jiang Xing asked with a trying tone.

"I am walking the dog." Jian Sangyu answered with an as-a-matter-of-fact tone, except that she was walking the dog in the mall rather than in the compound.

"Well, did you block my cousin?" Jiang Xing asked.

"Yes, how did you know about that?" Jian Sangyu was surprised. "Could it have been that he called you because he couldn't get through the call with me? What did you say to him? No, what did he say to you?"

When the order of the question was altered, Jian Sangyu spoke with two completely different tones.

"Well… nothing… cousin just asked if I was on the phone with you." Jiang Xing scratched his hair. He felt that if one day his hair completely fell out, it must have been because of Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen.

Jiang Xing let out a long sigh. "Jian Sangyu, please tell me, since when did you get so bold as to block my cousin?"

"He is manic." Jian Sangyu said.

Jiang Xing let out a sigh. "Is this the first time for you to realize that your husband is a maniac? He has been manic for a long time! Do you know how he trained us in the team last week? He didn't treat us as a human! Do you know that…"

Jiang Xing could not stop complaining about Gu Chen the moment he started to talk about him. He really needed someone who could sympathize with him to hear his complaint.

And Jian Sangyu got him completely. As he was complaining, Jian Sangyu made complaints too. Then he would swear at him and when Jian Sangyu hung up the phone when she got out of the car, the two felt extremely relieved.

Jian Sangyu took a deep breath as she was standing outside the mall's entrance. She and Jiang Xing were really close friends, and now she felt that the air of the capital had turned better too.

Jian Sangyu got out of the car and led General directly to the mall. It was not a big mall, so pets were allowed inside. The girl and the dog were so glad as they went into the cold-drink store.

It was an afternoon of a hot summer, and it was such a pleasant moment to eat an ice cream at this cold-drink store.


Jian Sangyu soon had to fall out of her good mood…

She had to call back the man she had blocked.

When Gu Chen received Jian Sangyu's call, he was on the way home with a sunken face. He did not seem any happier when he received Jian Sangyu's call.

"Hello." Gu Chen sounded scary.

"Honey, me and General are at the mall close to our home. Can you come over?"

The way she called him sounded charming and lustful.

When Jian Sangyu's sweet voice that called him 'Honey' arose from the other side of the phone, Gu Chen almost dropped his cell phone.

Jian Sangyu had never called him by this title after being married for so long. He had not called her by the title of wife or darling either.