Accept The Inheritance

The wood is rotten and some of the strings are even broken. It isn't giving off any aura or Mystic aura. How did my Xiaobao know it was the most powerful instrument among all the others? Muyan thought.

In fact, Xiaobao didn't know either. "I just felt it was the one."

Muyan couldn't help sighing with emotion while holding Xiaobao in one arm and the worn-out zither in the other.

Those who had died in the second trial, she was afraid, would never have expected that the so-called Musician-inherited instrument was such a broken zither.

"The Tianmo Zither is everything but a broken zither; it's a treasure of heaven and earth that was once famous in three worlds and brought everything to its knees!"

The familiar female voice suddenly rang out again and answered the question in Muyan's mind.

But it was no longer a gentle voice this time, and the voice seemed to be infused with experience from the fluctuations of life and a suffocating sense of oppression.

Muyan looked down at the broken zither in her hands, speechless.

She had never heard of the Tianmo Zither, but it was indeed a cool and wildly arrogant name, especially if it was described as "a treasure of heaven and earth that was once famous in three worlds and brought everything to its knees".

However, the zither she was holding was also indeed very broken. When she plucked a string, the rotten pieces of wood fell down continuously.

I wonder if anyone would want it if I sold it on the market? Is it really a treasure of heaven and earth?

Muyan doubted it very much.

But the Tianmo Zither wasn't what she cared about. "Who are you?" she asked, squinting her eyes. "What is this place?"

"This is the third inheritance trial for Musicians. If you want to know who I am, pass the third trial first!" the female voice answered slowly. "If you succeed, I'll tell you who I am. If you fail, I will erase the souls of you and the little one beside you and I'll kill you. Now, are you ready?"

"Wait a minute!" When Muyan heard that the woman was going to kill her son, her expression immediately changed. "I didn't say I accepted the inheritance trial," she said.

"Hehehe, you've entered this place and found the Tianmo Zither, so it's not up to you now. You'll have to accept this fated chance. The third trial for inheritance to the Musician class will begin…"

As the voice fell, Muyan felt the world beginning to swirl. Everything around her disappeared without a trace, and she was transported to a strange space.

There were no doors or windows; there was only endless darkness enveloping everything.

After waiting for a little longer, there seemed to be a faint light rising not far ahead, shining like a candle.

But when Muyan wanted to approach the light, she found it was, in fact, quite a distance from her.

Muyan frowned lightly as stormy waves surged up in her heart.

She discovered from the very beginning that this inheritance trial to the Musician class was unusually powerful.

On Yanwu Continent, who was able to change the surroundings this randomly? Who on earth could toy with warriors possessing Mystic power and kill them easily?

Muyan had reached the peak of the Connate realm in her previous life, and she was almost able to go through the thunderbolt kalpa and achieve the Forged Body with a refined soul.

She had learned there was a world beyond Yanwu Continent that was far more powerful than the world she knew.

The reason why Gong Qianxue schemed and plotted every possible way maliciously was because she wanted to remain powerful after ascending to that world.

Muyan also knew the people in that world weren't ancient warriors but true cultivators with great might.

Was the master of this Musician inheritance trial a cultivator from the immortal world?

As Muyan was thinking this, the light before her suddenly shone.