Xiaobao's Cry

The light turned into the blade of a sword and shot at her in a flash.

Muyan tried to avoid it, but she was no faster than the blade.

With a sharp pain in her chest, the sword pierced her body and disappeared in an instant.

A moment later, the intense burning pain spread from her chest to her limbs.

Muyan's face was as pale as paper, and thickly-dotted beads of sweat on her forehead dropped down.

The burning pain seemed to have melted her bones.

Muyan couldn't bear it any longer; she fell on one knee and uttered a dull moan of pain.

But then she gritted her teeth tightly and bit her lips till they bled, and all the bitter moaning stopped.

"What a tough young girl." The gentle female voice rang out in Muyan's mind with a low sigh while praising her slightly. "I really appreciate your toughness… You came to this cave, which proves you have the blood of us God-Musicians. But sharing our bloodline isn't enough to master the Tianmo Zither. Only people with a strong enough spirit soul and rich enough bloodline will be chosen as the owner of the Tianmo Zither…"

"If you can't make it through this, I'll have to kill you and the little one beside you in order to maintain the secrecy of the existence of God-Musicians. But I hope you will make it…"

The gentle female voice had been talking in Muyan's ears as if to encourage her as if to describe a bright and beautiful future for her.

But meanwhile, the pain inside her body grew more and more intense.

This pain was no longer the pain of the bones or flesh; it was the tearing and grinding of her soul.

Muyan couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground, curling up like a shrimp.

With a buzzing in her ears, she thought she heard the sound of her blood boiling and the sound of her bones breaking, inch by inch.

The unbearable pain caused her to faint.

"Give up… just fall asleep… As long as you sleep, you won't hurt, won't be tired, and won't have to endure the world's trials and tribulations…" the voice kept telling this over and over.

Muyan really didn't think she could stand it anymore.

But just then, she heard a child's hoarse voice in her ears. "Mommy, mommy, wake up!"

The voice sounded like he was sobbing.

My Xiaobao, my sweet and precious Xiaobao who always looks so serious and doesn't like to cry or smile, who always takes good care of me!

My son has never cried in this way!

How can I fall asleep?! How can I leave Xiaobao alone in this big world?

Muyan opened her eyes in a rush. She propped herself up on the Tianmo Zither and slowly got up again, kneeling on one knee.

The pain didn't abate, but Muyan's eyes grew brighter and brighter as if there was a blazing fire burning in them.

Her fingers on the Tianmo Zither dug into the rotten wood from the pain.

Her flesh was pricked and blood ran down the wound, winding through the ragged veins on the zither.

The gentle voice appeared again. "…if you can make it through this, you'll get the God-Musicians' inheritance and you'll be able to dominate three worlds…"

"So noisy!" Muyan's voice became hoarse and she interrupted the female voice.

Then an evil and seductive smile appeared on her pale but beautiful face slowly, like a real evil spirit.