The Role of Mother And Son

Muyan's eyebrows lifted as she heard what Luo Beiyu said. The book was rolled up in her hand, then she tapped it and said with a faint smile, "Oh, so you don't need me to help restore your cultivation level and reconnect your hamstring? My extensive studying turned out to be in vain. Fine, since you don't want treatment, I'll take you…"

"Wait, wait!!" Luo Beiyu suddenly pulled his eyes wide open and couldn't believe it. "Master, you… what did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything!" Muyan chuckled.

"No, Master! You said something! You said you can restore my cultivation level and reconnect my hamstring!" Luo Beiyu struggled to get out of bed and screamed with excitement.

He thought there was no hope, so he just gave up.

But now that he saw hope in his despair, how could he stay calm?

Muyan was about to answer when the door was pushed open.

Xiaobao came in with no expression on his handsome, cold little face.

He was carrying a box of food that was bigger than half his body, but he didn't seem to feel the weight or burden at all. He walked over to Muyan easily then looked up and said, "Mommy, dinner time."

"En, good kid, Xiaobao!" Muyan bowed her head to kiss her son's cheek.

She took out the food from the box and set it on the table.

Xiaobao sat at the table next to Muyan, spontaneously and consciously. Then he said with a straight face as he picked some dishes Muyan, "Mommy, slow down!"

Luo Beiyu, by the side, was now going through fluctuating emotions of hope, expectation, anxiety, and unease. Even so, he was dumbfounded upon witnessing such a scene.

Hey! Wait a second, isn't this mother and son performing the wrong roles?

Shouldn't the mother take care of her son, prepare food for him, and pick his favorite dishes for him?

But why have they exchanged their roles?

Xiaobao, a four-year-old child, has taken good care of his mother so perfectly and thoughtfully, so what on earth is that about?

"Mas… Master, Young Senior Martial Brother, you…" Luo Beiyu gulped and opened his mouth with uncertainty.

Muyan said as she gobbled down the food, "Xiaobao, your Senior Martial Brother hasn't had any food. Why don't you get him some too?"

Hearing her "order", Xiaobao collected some dishes at random then placed them in front of Luo Beiyu along with a bowl of rice.

He said nothing at all and returned to the table, leaving Luo Beiyu with only his noble, cool back.

When he returned to his position, he pushed a plate of beef to Muyan and said with a childish, cold voice, "Mommy, you need to eat more!"

"En, Xiaobao also needs to eat more!" Muyan gave her son a bright smile.

Luo Beiyu was totally speechless. Master, Young Senior Martial Brother, is it really okay for you to give me such differential treatment?

"Master, you said you could heal me. Was that true?"

Muyan sipped on some fresh tea after dinner while holding her son's soft and fragrant body in her arms then responded cozily, "What? Don't you believe me?"

"Yes yes yes, I believe you! No matter what you say, I'll believe you, Master!"

Muyan put down the cup and said again, "But there's a problem."

"What… what problem?" Luo Beiyu's heart suddenly felt gripped again.

"The process can be quite painful!"

Luo Beiyu's hand, which was supporting his body, softened and he fell to the bed with a thump. "Master, please don't tease your disciple again. I don't even fear death; how would I fear pain?!"

"Good disciple. It couldn't be better that you have such great self-awareness. I just need time to practice!"