I Tested It On Chicken Legs

"Good disciple, it couldn't be better that you have such high self-awareness. I just need time to practice!"

As she spoke, Muyan's face finally revealed a bright, satisfied smile, which brought out her delicate, fascinating face.

But somehow, Luo Beiyu shivered when he looked at Muyan's small face.

A bad feeling arose in his heart.

In fact, the Sky Poison of Illusionary Sand that Luo Beiyu was poisoned with wasn't difficult to detoxicate and didn't require Muyan to use her God-Musicians' skills.

It only required her original medical skills, and she could also slowly dissolve the poison in Luo Beiyu's dantian within several months.

It was just that the process was probably going to be a little bit more painful and long.

The real problem was Luo Beiyu's severed hamstring.

According to the inherited memory of God-Musicians, there were indeed miraculous medical techniques that could connect muscles and vessels, and even raise the dead.

But very harsh conditions needed to be achieved, and spiritual aura was required to drive the Tianmo Zither.

Muyan only had Mystic aura inside her body now. She had never even heard of spiritual aura, let alone used it.

However, putting aside the inherited memory, Muyan found some relevant information in Baili Liuyin's notes.

It was in the 21st century, a strange time and place in which Baili Liuyin lived, when people invented a bizarre medical solution.

—Surgical operation!

Luo Beiyu lay in bed nervously while looking in Muyan's direction.

He saw her engrossed in a book as she fiddled with some strangely-shaped tools (she found in the space).

Luo Beiyu couldn't help but ask: "Master, what are you reading?"

"Well… The operating procedures."

"What… what operating procedures?" Luo Beiyu's face turned pale, and his foreboding feeling grew stronger.

Muyan looked up and showed him a bright smile. "I haven't performed the operation before and I'm not very familiar with the procedures, so before the operation begins, I'm going to review and simplify the procedures! But you don't have to worry—I've tested it on chicken legs. I believe there shouldn't be any problems…"

Review and simplify the procedures before the operation?! Tested on chicken legs?!

Luo Beiyu felt blinded immediately, and he became quite distressed. "Ma-ma-ma-master! I'm a human, not a chicken! Please be very careful; I only have two legs…"


Xiaobao suddenly muted Luo Beiyu with a fist.

"Too noisy!" he squeezed out those two words expressionlessly.

Muyan smiled and nodded, eyes full of praise. "You did the right thing, Xiaobao. I don't even have to put him under anesthesia now."

She gave her baby son a big kiss as she talked.

Xiaobao's eyes and brows curved slightly with a beautiful luster gathering in his dark blue eyes.

An hour later, Luo Beiyu woke up with a terrible pain in his feet.

He exhaled with pain at first, and when he tried to move his feet, the pain made him bounce on the bed.

But soon, the pain on his face gave way to ecstasy. "Master, I can feel my feet. I can feel my feet."

Does this mean that I… I won't be disabled?

Muyan smiled after she washed her hands and put away the surgical tools into the space. "I've informed the City Lord of Yulan City; someone from Chiyan State will come and pick you up soon. I've prepared enough Mystic medicine for three months to help dissolve the Sky Poison of Illusionary Sand. Remember to take the medicine regularly…"