The News

Staying vigilant in the face of strangers had long been a part of Jason's instincts.

It was like having to eat and drink.

However, it was not the same for the one outside the door.

At the very moment when Jason raised his shotgun and aimed the muzzle right at the door, this person froze in his entirety.

The man outside the door was born with a sharp sixth sense, and it told him that, if he dared push open the door directly, something bad was definitely going to happen.

So, this person followed his heart and immediately changed his strategy.

Standing up straight, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Hello, may I ask, is His Lordship, Jason here?"

"I'm Daniel, a teacher from Deer College."

After knocking on the door, Daniel immediately introduced himself. And he was very frank when he spoke of where he came from.

Deer College?